Sofia Commerce – Pawn Shops AD issues preferred shares with a 12% fixed annual dividend (28.06.2016)
Sofia Commerce – Pawn Shops AD is to issue up to BGN 5.5m in new preferred shares. The shares have a nominal value of BGN 1.00 and issue value of BGN 5.00. They offer a 12% guaranteed annual dividend with a maturity of 5 years.
The issue would be considered successful if no less than 200,000 shares are subscribed, or 18% of the total shares offered.
The subscription of the preferred shares is executed via preemptive rights through the Bulgarian Stock Exchange from 27th of June 2016 to 8th of July 2016.
The unexercised rights would be offered at an auction on 19th of July 2016. The last date for subscription of the shares would be 2nd of August 2016.
The project is managed by the leading investment bank in Bulgaria, MANE Capital, and the servicing investment intermediary is DISL Securities AD.
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